INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 1 – Lesson 30 for Teachers



  1.  Have this quote written on a piece of paper: “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it”
  2. Discuss the quote as a class.
    1. Have students discuss the meaning of the quote in small groups. 
    2. After some time, talk about the quote as a group.
      1. What does the quote mean? 
      2. What are some obstacles or struggles we face? 
    3. Write down the ideas the students have
      1. Examples: arguments, trouble at school, trouble with other people, trouble with family, etc. 
  3. Help the students to come up with a way to act out a struggle they have had in their life. 
    1. They will do this in partners or small groups, and will write down their ideas. 
    2. They can come up with the idea on their own or use the ones that are on the board.  
    3. They will have the rest of the class to practice it. 
    4. In the next class, they will present their act and the students will try to name the struggle.
  4. End the class with prayer.